Short Sibling Sets in the Long Victorian Novel

For the past two and a half years, my co-author Kelly Hager and I, along with our amazing research assistants Kailey Fukushima and Emily Anderson, have been working on a big project. This project comes from our shared love of Charlotte Yonge. On a long train ride back to Boston from the 2014 CUNY Victorian […]

Teaching the Dramatic Monologue

[Reposted from the Floating Academy] If your syllabus looks anything like mine, at least once a semester you’re dusting off your Tennyson and Browning skills and teaching the dramatic monologue. My personal favourites to teach are “My Last Duchess” and “Porphyria’s Lover” (Day One) and then “Tithonous,” “Ulysses,” and “St Simeon Stylites” (Day Two). This […]

Teaching with the Yellow Nineties Online

[Reposted from the Floating Academy] A couple of years ago, Connie introduced us to The Yellow Nineties Online, a project edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra and Dennis Denisoff at Ryerson University dedicated to producing a TEI-edition of late Victorian periodicals including not only the Yellow Book but also periodicals like the Evergreen and the Pagan […]

NAVSA 2014

I am headed to London, Ontario next week for the North American Victorian Studies Association annual conference on “Classes & Classification.”  I’m looking forward to reconnecting with colleagues at Western, where I did my postdoc, and meeting with fellow Victorianists.  I’ll be presenting on a paper on “Classifying Nineteenth-Century Disability in the Digital Archive” on […]

Digitizing Women Writers: Part Two

[Re-posted from the Floating Academy.] Last fall, I posted about two projects that take different approaches to digitizing women’s writing:  one on Charlotte Yonge, and one on Oliver Schreiner.  This spring, I was lucky to participate as an editor in the second annual meeting of the Digital Mitford Project. Around 15 of us gathered on […]