Teaching the Dramatic Monologue

[Reposted from the Floating Academy] If your syllabus looks anything like mine, at least once a semester you’re dusting off your Tennyson and Browning skills and teaching the dramatic monologue. My personal favourites to teach are “My Last Duchess” and “Porphyria’s Lover” (Day One) and then “Tithonous,” “Ulysses,” and “St Simeon Stylites” (Day Two). This […]

The Transatlantic Digital Moonstone

[Reposted from the Floating Academy] In my senior seminar on “The Victorian Bestseller,” we’ve just finished a big class project. When I found out that our Special Collections at the University of Calgary holds both of the periodicals in which Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone (1868) was originally serialized–Harper’s Weekly in the U.S. and All the Year Round […]

Teaching with the Yellow Nineties Online

[Reposted from the Floating Academy] A couple of years ago, Connie introduced us to The Yellow Nineties Online, a project edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra and Dennis Denisoff at Ryerson University dedicated to producing a TEI-edition of late Victorian periodicals including not only the Yellow Book but also periodicals like the Evergreen and the Pagan […]

Punch and Judy

Just added a new post to the Floating Academy about watching Punch and Judy in the UK?  Did you know that the irascible Mr. Punch is still beating Judy?  Enjoy! Punch and Judy