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- Victorian Bestseller: The Life of Dinah Craik. University of Michigan Press, 2019.
- The Measure of Manliness: Disability and Masculinity in the mid-Victorian Novel. University of Michigan Press, 2015.
Special Journal Issue
- Guest Editor. Women’s Writing. Special Issue on Dinah Mulock Craik. 20.2 (Spring 2013).
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- with Kelly Hager. “How Many Siblings Had Philip Pirrip? Counting Brothers and Sisters in the Victorian Novel.” Forthcoming in ELH.
- with Mike Thelwall. “The Social Lives of Books: Goodreads and Victorian Literature for the Twenty-First Century.” Cultural Analytics, February 20, 2020,
- with Mike Thelwall. “The Reading Background of Goodreads Book Club Members: A Female Fiction Canon?” Forthcoming in the Journal of Documentation.
- with Kailey Fukushima. “Inside Digital Dinah Craik: Feminist Pedagogy, Cognitive Apprenticeship, and the TEI.” Forthcoming in The Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative.
- “Finding the Transatlantic Audience: Dinah Craik’s Mistress and Maid in Good Words and Harper’s.” Victorian Periodical Review 49.1 (Winter 2016): 100-122.
- “Orthopaedic Disability and the Nineteenth-Century Novel.” Nineteenth-Century Contexts 36.1 (Winter 2014): 1-17.
- “Dinah Mulock Craik and Benjamin Mulock: Re-reading the Role of the Male Relative in the Woman Writer’s Career.” Prose Studies 33.3 (December 2011): 174-187.
- “Narrating Insanity in the Letters of Thomas Mulock and Dinah Mulock Craik.” Victorian Literature and Culture 39.1 (Spring 2011): 203-222.
- “‘The Spirit of a Man and the Limbs of a Cripple’: Disability, Masculinity and Sentimentality in Charlotte Yonge’s The Heir of Redclyffe.” Victorian Review Special Issue on Disability, 35.2 (Fall 2009): 117-131.
- “Reading Laura Bridgman: Literacy and Disability in Dickens’s American Notes.” Dickens Studies Annual 40 (Summer 2009): 37-60.
Book Chapters
- “Victorian Digital Humanities.” Forthcoming in the Companion to Victorian Studies, Routledge, edited by Dennis Denisoff and Talia Schaffer.
- “‘A Fiery Hand Gripped my Vitals: Nelson, Rochester and Manual Amputation in Jane Eyre.” Forthcoming in Victorian Hands, edited by Peter Capuano and Sue Zemka, Ohio State University Press.
- “Mobility Impairment.” Forthcoming in The Bloomsbury Companion to the History of Disability, edited by Martha Stoddard Holmes and Joyce Huff.
Invited Articles
- “Data.” Victorian Literature and Culture. 46.3-4 (Fall/Winter 2018): 632-636.
- “Victorian Memes.” Victorian Studies 58.2 (Winter 2016): 272-282. Selected for publication as one of the best presentations at NAVSA 2015. Winner of the Editor’s Choice Award.
- “Supported Bodies.” Forthcoming in the Victorian Review in 2016.
Encyclopedia Entry
- with Jennifer Esmail. “Disability and Victorian Literature.” Blackwell Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature. Ed. Dino Felluga. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.
Book Reviews
- Heather Tilley, Blindness and Writing: From Wordsworth to Gissing. Cambridge UP, 2017. Forthcoming in Victorian Studies.
- Disabling Romanticism: Book, Mind and Text. Ed. Michael Bradshaw. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Review 19 (July 2017):
- The Madwoman and the Blindman: Jane Eyre, Discourse, Disability. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press. Victorian Review 39.1 (Spring 2013): 217-219.
Digital Scholarship
- Mapping Victorian Literary Sociability. Principal Investigator with Dan Jacobson (Geography, University of Calgary) 2018 to present. A map that uses historical geocoding to investigate the role that propinquity played in writers’ careers.
- Digital Dinah Craik. Principal Investigator, 2015 to present. A SSHRC-funded TEI edition of the correspondence of Dinah Craik.
- Nineteenth-Century Disability: Cultures and Contexts. Principle Investigator, 2011-2016. An interdisciplinary collection of primary resources in nineteenth-century disability, annotated by scholars in the field. Peer Reviewed at NINES (Nineteenth-Century Scholarship Online), 2011-2016.