Friday, 4 January, 5:15–6:30 p.m., Berkeley, Sheraton
Program arranged by the Discussion Group on Bibliography and Textual Studies
Presiding: Alan Galey, Univ. of Toronto; Katherine D. Harris, San José State Univ.
Panel description:
When digital archives in the humanities took shape in the late 1990’s as alternatives to traditional editions, there was optimism that archives could highlight texts, writers, communities, and even cultures neglected by scholarly editing. Many factors contribute to a work’s marginality in the editorial tradition, including gender, canonicity, medium, language, and class. Digital archives, by contrast, held out the promise of an inclusivity that was unattainable in print.How have digital archives, as venues for critical recovery projects, fared in the past decade? What are their successes and failures, challenges and opportunities, both expected and unexpected? What are their prospects for the future? How might the building and curating of digital archives yield opportunities to understand the dynamics of marginalization itself? How does the scale of projects affect those opportunities?
1. “Echoes at Our Peril: Small Feminist Archives in Big Digital Humanities,” Katherine D. Harris, San José State Univ.
2. “The Archipelagic Archive: Caribbean Studies on a Diff Key,” Alexander Gil, Univ. of Virginia
3. “Universal Design and Disability in the Digital Archive,” Karen Bourrier, Univ. of Western Ontario
4. “Digital Humanities and the Separation of Access, Ownership, and Reading,” Zachary Zimmer, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ.